Private Administrative Fees


Choose Service below, enter the required amount and your name as reference to complete payment

Non-urgent advice: Please Note

Patients making cash payments at the surgery will need to bring the correct amount as no change will be given out.



Refund Policy

Please note that once payment is completed, we are unable to issue refunds. We recommend ensuring you are fully satisfied with the price before finalising your purchase. Thank you for your understanding

Private Certification (no examination required, pre-existing form)

  • Medical certificate for work/employer within 1st week – £35.00
  • Court / Jury service exemption – £60.00
  • Private health cover claim – £60.00
  • Pension / mortgage  / insurance cover claim – £60.00
  • Holiday cancellation / insurance form – £60.00
  • Fitness to travel – £60.00

Completion of form / questionnaire style forms

  • Taxi Card application – £60.00
  • Fitness / health club – £60.00
  • Insurance PMA forms – £110.00
  • Additional information for insurance – £60.00
  • iGPR electronic insurance / PMA forms – £110.00
  • Requests from Social Services, Education, Council (Housing) – £50.00

Patient request ‘supporting’ letters

  • Fitness to travel / perform / fly – £60.00
  • HGV / driving / function confirmation – £60.00
  • Holiday / trip /gym cancellation – £60.00
  • Employers – £60.00
  • Patient request ‘supporting letters’ as above for children or any ‘non-mature’ students attending university or college – £60.00

Secretary typed / dictated medical reports / letter requests by:

  • Solicitors – £160-£320/hour 
  • Court of Protection / Power of Attorney – Depending on time spent by GP: Salaried GP
  • Employers including Armed Forces and Police – £160/hour, Partner £320/hour
  • Mortgage / insurance
  • Occupational Health

Photocopying of Medical records / notes

  • Printout of computer record * – £10.50
  • Requests from 3rd Party for copies of paper records – £50.00
  • Postage cost (proof postage) – £5.50
  • Postage cost (Recorded delivery) – £10.50

Non-urgent advice: Note*

Printout / provision of whole set of notes (allowed once) is no charge under GDPR, However Selective reports / requests of medical notes have a charge as shown.


Any medical report that requires an examination, this includes but not exclusively: (£170.00)

  • Job application / employment
  • Requests from employers, other agencies
  • Insurance eligibility / health checks
  • Private agency adoption medical checks on carers
  • Exemption from court
  • Holiday cancellation
  • Driving fitness or eligibility (HGV, Taxi etc)
  • Patient fitness assessments (e.g. for travel / flying / emigration)

Any medical report + examination as above for children or ‘non-mature’ students attending university or college

£150.00 – 50% additional charge when the request is required within one week

Private Patients

Private Consultation Fees (Per 20 minute appointment):

  • Partner consultation – £120.00
  • Non-Partner consultation – £100.00
  • Nurse – £60.00

Other Reports – No Charge

  • Bankruptcy
  • Coroner’s Report
  • Council Tax Exemptions
  • Death Certificates
  • Stillbirth Certificates
  • Notification of Infectious Diseases
  • Paternity Tests
  • Professional evidence in court
  • Establish Unfitness for Jury Service
  • Statutory Certificates for the Department of Work and Pensions

Adoption medical report / functional assessment

Form C, Child aged up to 5 – £170.00

Form D, Child aged 5-11 – £170.00

Form YP, Child aged 12+ – £170.00

Form AME, Annual medical for LAC/Foster child – £170.00


Form IHA initial assessment, looked after child – £170.00

Forms M/B obstetric neonatal reports – £60.00

Form AH health assessment, prospective carer – £170.00

Form AH2 update report, parent/ carer – £85.00

Effective from 1st June 2023

Private Medical Reports & Sickness Certificates

North Street Medical Care can offer patients a range of other services that do not form part of the NHS General Medical Service provision.

Private Medical Examinations

The doctors are able to perform medical examinations for patients who may require them for work, insurance, private or other reasons. The doctor may also have to examine a patient to assess the current state of medical health, before signing / endorsing forms. These are all private medical examinations where a fee will be charged. Some fees are recommended by the British Medical Association, others are negotiable and usually set by the practice. Please check the current fee at the time of booking your medical.

  • HGV / PSV Driver medical examinations
  • Elderly Driver medical examinations
  • Fitness to travel / fly /drive medical examinations
  • Taxi driver medical examinations
  • Sports medical examinations
  • Employment medical examinations
  • Insurance medical examinations
  • Other private medical examinations – please call 01708 629733 to make an appointment

Patient Reports / Forms and Other Services

The doctors provide other non-NHS services where a fee will be charged. Please check the current scale of charges at the time of requesting the service or your doctor will inform you of the appropriate charges when you are seen.

These services include:

  • Insurance policy reports / certificates
  • Private patient consultations
  • Private certificates
  • Private prescriptions
  • Patient requested reports for various purposes / reasons 3 Private health care claim form completion
  • Holiday cancellation forms / certificates
  • Taxi card application form completion
  • Health club / fitness forms for completion This is not an exhaustive list – please check with reception.

Please note – the doctors do NOT endorse gun licence application forms.


If you are absent from work for more than 3 days because of illness you need to complete form SC2 (or SC1 if self employed). These should be available from your employer or the HMRC website. Your employer can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. This is called self-certification.

If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask you to give them some form of medical evidence to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay). Your employer will probably ask for proof of your illness. Most employers ask for a fit note from your GP.

However, this will also depend on your employer’s company policy on sick leave (or sickness absence). This policy should tell you how many days you can be off sick before you need to provide proof of illness or a fit note.

You could also provide evidence from someone who is not a medical practitioner, e.g. a dentist. Your employer will decide whether or not this evidence is acceptable. If your employer has any doubts, they may still ask for a medical certificate from your GP.

GPs are not obliged to issue a certificate of absence where this is of less than 7 days duration. However, they may choose to certify an absence as a private service subject to a payment of a fee. All private fees are displayed in reception.

There is also no requirement for a GP to issue a certificate for other institutions such as schools requesting one for children having time off for sickness as this is not based on “occupational” need. These requests will be refused, or alternatively offered as a private letter service subject to the payment of an appropriate fee.

Statement of Fitness to Work (MED3)

The new format allows a doctor to certify that the patient is not fit for work, or that they are “fit for work subject to the following advice”. This second option may be used where the patient is unable to work all of their normal hours, or may need some support or changes to their normal duties. Where an employer is not able to comply with the recommendations then this is a matter for the employer and the employee, and a new certificate is not appropriate.

The ‘fit note’ was introduced on 6 April 2010. With your employer’s support, the note will help you return to work sooner by providing more information about the effects of your illness or injury. Since April 2010 there has been no need to have a certificate stating you are fit to work.  When you feel able to work you may do so without a doctor’s certificate.

For more information see DirectGov website (where this information was sourced)

Key Facts

  • Only a doctor can issue a certificate.
  • Telephone consultations are acceptable as a means of assessing the patient.
  • During the first 6 months of absence the certificate may only be issued for a maximum of 3 months absence from work.
  • After the first 6 months the period may be for any which is “clinically appropriate”.
  • The advice on the certificate is not binding on employers.
  • Occupational health expertise is not required.
  • Advice may include aspects such as amended hours, workplace adjustments, changes to duties, phased returns, assistance, and workplace adaptations.
  • No charge may be made for employment purposes.
  • No Statement is required until after 7 days absence.
  • A Statement may be issued:
    • On the day the patient is assessed.
    • On the date after the patient is assessed if considered that it would have been reasonable to issue the Statement the day before.
    •  After considering a written report from another doctor or registered healthcare professional.

The date of the assessment of the patient is the day of a face to face, or telephone consultation, or date of consideration of the written report referred to above.

A Med 3 certificate can be issued towards the end of the first week (day 6 or 7) of the illness if it is obvious that the patient will not be fit to return to work by the 7th day. A Med3 must be issued by the 7th day and it is appropriate for the patient to be given a Routine, 48 hour or even a Rapid Access appointment under these circumstances. Patients with a continuing disability requiring Med 3 certificates should book a Routine appointment in advance of the expiry date of their certificates. Such patients should not access the 48 hour, rapid Access or Emergency slots for this purpose. Truly housebound patients (see section on Visits for guidance) will be telephoned or visited at home by their regular doctor who will issue the certificate.

Patients discharged from hospital should be given an appropriate certificate by their consultant. The hospital should issue a certificate covering the entire period of recovery required. Please ensure you have this before leaving the hospital.

Certificates, which are issued for other reasons other than these, are outside the NHS contract and attract a fee. Please see poster in reception for up to date prices.